RHK Music

Instrument Repair

Double-Reed Specialist

RHK Repair is owned and operated by Dr. Ronn Hall, DMA. Dr. Hall is a professional wind instrument repair technician educated in repair at the Red Wing School for Band Instrument Repair by the faculty of master craftsmen.

I am privileged to have worked with Ronn Hall as a student at Red Wing and as a peer technician following graduation. Ronn not only continually exhibits his determination to succeed as a technician, but contributes his inventiveness and creativity when discussing improvements to tools and processes. He is a generous learner and collaborator worthy of consideration and respect.
— John Huth (BIR Instructor, MN State College SE - Red Wing)

Bassoon Lessons

Dr. Ronn Hall, DMA

Professional bassoon lessons in person in Salt Lake City, UT or anywhere via zoom.